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Build a Chatbot iOS App with SwiftUI


In this tutorial, we'll guide you through building a chatbot iOS app using SwiftUI.


Before starting, ensure you have the following:

  • Xcode: A paid Apple Developer program membership is not required.
  • OpenAI, Anthropic, Groq, or Mistral developer account: Ensure you have credits available.

Setting up a ServerlessAI Project

If you do not have a ServerlessAI account, or want to create a new project
  1. Register for ServerlessAI
    Head to ServerlessAI and sign up. Once registered, follow the wizard to create a new project.

    If you have already created an account and want to create a new project, Click "Create project" in the project selector dropdown on upper left corner.

    ServerlessAI project creation

  2. Add a Provider
    You can use any provider that supports chat completion. Enter the API key from that provider

    ServerlessAI provider setup

  3. Enable Chat Completion Capability
    Enable the chat completion capability

    ServerlessAI capabilities

  4. Configure Authentication
    Since we do not require the user to sign up, enable guest users and leave JWT settings blank.

    ServerlessAI authentication setup

  5. Set Quota (Optional)
    You can configure quotas for your project or leave them blank for unlimited use since this is not a production app.

    ServerlessAI quota configuration

  6. Complete Setup
    After completing the setup, take note of your project ID. ServerlessAI finish

If you want to use an existing ServerlessAI project

If you've already created a project, that's great! Let's ensure it’s properly configured for this tutorial.

Navigate to the ServerlessAI Settings page.

  1. Enable Guest User

    • Go to Users - User Groups - Guest.
    • Ensure the guest user is enabled.

    ServerlessAI guest user settings

  2. Enable Chat Completion Capability

    • In Capabilities - Chat Completion, ensure the capability is enabled.

    ServerlessAI chat completion settings

    • Next, enable this capability for user groups:
      • Go to Users - Quota, select Authenticated Users, and enable the Chat Completion capability.
      • Optionally, set a usage quota.

    ServerlessAI quota

  3. Configure provider API Key

    • Pick any provider you like under Providers, and enter the API key

    ServerlessAI OpenAI settings

Setting Up the Xcode Project

  1. Open Xcode and create a new iOS project using Swift.
  2. Choose a project name and package identifiers based on your preference.

Adding the OpenAI Client

We'll be using MacPaw's OpenAI client for this project. To add it:

  1. Go to File -> Add Package Dependency...

  2. Add the following package URL:

    Adding package

Creating the ViewModel

Create a new file named ViewModel.swift with the following content:

import Foundation
import OpenAI
import UIKit

class ViewModel : ObservableObject {
@Published var messages: [Message] = []
@Published var currentInput: String = ""

private let client = OpenAI(
configuration: OpenAI.Configuration(
// Replace <PROJECT ID> with your project ID
token: "<PROJECT ID>:guest:\(UIDevice.current.identifierForVendor?.uuidString ?? "unknown-ios-user")",
host: ""

func sendMessage() {
let newMessage = Message(id: UUID(), role: .user, content: currentInput)
currentInput = ""

let query = ChatQuery(
messages: { ChatQuery.ChatCompletionMessageParam(role: $0.role, content: $0.content)! },
// ~serverlessai:llm-large is a "virtual model", and we will automatically route your request
// to a provider and model.
model: "~serverlessai:llm-large"

Task {
let response = try await client.chats(query: query)
guard let receivedOpenAIMessage = response.choices.first?.message else {
print("No message received")
let receivedMessage = Message(id: UUID(), role: receivedOpenAIMessage.role, content: receivedOpenAIMessage.content!.string!)
await {

struct Message: Decodable {
let id: UUID
let role: ChatQuery.ChatCompletionMessageParam.Role
let content: String

Creating the View

Modify the ContentView.swift file with the following content:

import SwiftUI

struct ContentView: View {
@ObservedObject var viewModel = ViewModel()
var body: some View {
VStack {
ScrollView {
ForEach(viewModel.messages.filter({$0.role != .system}), id: \.id) { message in
messageView(message: message)
HStack {
TextField("Write your message", text: $viewModel.currentInput)
Button {
} label: {

func messageView(message: Message) -> some View {
HStack {
if message.role == .user { Spacer(minLength: 32) }
.foregroundColor(message.role == .user ? Color.white :
.background(message.role == .user ? : Color(red: 240/255, green: 240/255, blue: 240/255))
if message.role == .assistant { Spacer(minLength: 32) }

#Preview {

Running your app

Now you can run your app! Click the Run button, and you can start chatting!

iOS chatbot